This is Elizabeth Smart. She was kidnapped in 2002 from her home in Salt Lake City.
Her captor raped her every single day.
He was in the mountains with her less then 10 miles from her home for the first month of the 9 months she was captured .
Her picture was on every street corner and billboard you can imagine.
This was the TOP NeWS STORY. 1,000s of people searched high and low for her.
She could hear them calling her name. From his hideout in the mountains
He would often take her down into the city, eating at restaurants. Going to the Salt Lake public library in broad daylight with her.
How and why was he able to do this?
The MASK he put on her face.
Think about this as we are going back to school and sending millions of children back to school and most school districts are requiring Masks. Even for elementary students.
This is about THE CHILDREN! Not the Mask!!!
A Captor can easily abduct a child and has a full right and safety net to mask a child and himself or herself. Imagine the horror of losing a child and searching for your child in a sea of masked faces. Or the authorities looking for your child.
And yet I see parents calling out other parents about not masking their children.
PLEASE BE A VOICE for children! NO CHILD should be forced to be masked.
This is taken from the operation Underground Railroad web Site:
Child trafficking is real and happening! 2020 has been a horrific year for our children, continually being forgotten and overlooked. Reports of child abuse cases are millions higher this year than they were last year. This is not a small thing or a conspiracy theory, this is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. The children need us. It is time to Rise Up for them.