The American people have been inundated with the phrase “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as the White House has embarked on a relentless push for universal Covid ‘vaccination’ for months regardless of medical necessity.
But new data out of the United Kingdom throws into question whether vaccination is a public health matter at all, given that the so-called vaccines’ ability to slow the spread is dubious at best.
The United Kingdom’s data, although flawed, are still some of the most useful data in the world for investigating Covid rates and vaccination effects. The public health agency is direct about noting stunning developments in the case rates.
“The rate of a positive COVID-19 test is substantially lower in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals up to the age of 29,” Public Health England’s latest report notes. “In individuals aged greater than 30, the rate of a positive COVID-19 test is higher in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated.”
“This is likely to be due to a variety of reasons, including differences in the population of vaccinated and unvaccinated people as well as differences in testing patterns,” the report added.
The adjusted data here show that there are more Covid-19 ‘cases’ per 100,000 in the vaccinated group than in the unvaccinated group for persons over age 30 years old.

Whether you want to blame the routine asymptomatic testing regime or the public health authorities ignoring natural immunity, these data can be interpreted as meaning that the vaccines are failing to appreciably slow the spread.
Another thing it means: The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” phrase is officially dead.
This is not to say that there aren’t good reasons for certain people to get Covid flu shots. The Covid shots, which are actually mRNA prophylactic therapeutics, appear to significantly mitigate hospitalization rates among the elderly and at-risk populations.
“The rate of hospitalisation within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test increases with age, and is substantially greater in unvaccinated individuals compared to vaccinated individuals,” the report points out.
However, there is something alarming in the data.
“The rate of death within 28 days or within 60 days of a positive COVID-19 test increases with age, and again is substantially greater in unvaccinated individuals compared to fully vaccinated individuals,” Public Health England claims.
The data supporting this statement, however, is extremely odd. There is a good blogger named el gato malo who delves into the reasons why this data set is flawed, while using data from the previous release.
The latest data below show quite clearly that that ‘second dose greater/equal than 14 days before specimen date’ category has death counts that are much higher than the unvaccinated group for those over age 50, and there is rough parity in the 40-49 age group. It is pretty clear that Public Health England is coding all Covid-related deaths before 14 days expire from the second shot as unvaccinated deaths in the case rates per 100,000.

This categorization of deaths is highly misleading. However, Public Health England has at least provided more data transparency here than what Americans have come to expect from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the Food and Drug Administration. We can at least logically deduce what is going on, even if the coding of the data doesn’t make a lot of sense. For context, the ‘fully vaccinated’ rate in England is considered to be 68.3%, according to Our World in Data.
The 60-day window shows a similar pattern as the 28-day window: More recorded in the ‘second dose greater/equal than 14 days before specimen date’ category than in the ‘not vaccinated’ category. These are mutually exclusive categories, as we can see by the total deaths.

This is what the data set says. Public Health England should address the problems with the data set by excluding the ‘not vaccinated’ from any Covid-shots whatsoever in the rates per 100,000. Then it should set up a ‘fully vaccinated’ category (which is making increasingly less sense due to waning vaccine efficicacy and the need for ‘booster shots’).
Public Health England, to its credit, is attempting to get a grasp on the transmission rates for Covid among the ‘vaccinated’ community.
“Although individuals may not develop symptoms of COVID-19 after vaccination, it is possible that they could still be infected with the virus and could transmit to others,” Public Health England says outright. “Understanding how effective vaccines are at preventing infection is therefore important to predict the likely impact of the vaccination programme on the wider population.”
“An analysis from the ONS Community Infection Survey found that contacts of vaccinated index cases had around 65 to 80% reduced odds of testing positive with the Alpha variant and 35 to 65% reduced odds of testing positive with the Delta variant compare to contacts of unvaccinated index cases,” PHE noted.
This nonetheless shows that the vaccinated are still a significant vector for Covid, and particularly, the Delta variant. There may be sound reasons for the elderly and at-risk to voluntarily get the Covid shots. However, the case for universal mandates is flimsy, while at the same time violates the right to bodily autonomy of hundreds of millions of people.
Meanwhile, the Covid wave pattern now appears to be seasonal and regional. Natural immunity is estimated to be at least half the U.S. population. The country should highly consider moving towards treating Covid like the seasonal flu: Shots recommended forthe elderly and at-risk population.
It should also be in the discretion of doctors and patients to decide for themselves if the Covid shots are right for them, particularly as these prophylactic therapeutics that are being called ‘vaccines’ do not appreciably stop the transmission of Covid-19.
The best model for this approach in the United States remains Florida, which now has the lowest case rates per 100,000 in the United States. There may be no ideal ‘control group,’ but U.S. states that have preserved Americans’ rights throughout the pandemic provide the best case studies for comparison with states that are pushing mandates regardless of the ineffective results.